WSSC Water leaky accounting perhaps per smart metering
WSSC Water leaky accounting perhaps per smart metering
WSSC Water leaky accounting perhaps per smart metering
Wildphyres in Washington DC area being normalized by Mass Media as Directed Energy Assaults begin targeting burning destroying Middle Class
As Demonica in Amerikka Rises Pigs Tatt Up Like Clowns Beware Their Insanely Bad Judgment – “Sleeves” and tatts should be instant disqualification for service as it proves lack of good judgment. It just gets worse and worse with the bad judgment, bad intentions, bad choices, bad actions, bad outcomes.
Donald Trump speeches at Davos World Economic Forum
Police Chief in Arizona Enforcing Policies Against USA Constitution
Collectivist Investor Insaniacs Undermine Individuality and Freedom
Storms Being Made Worse Per AGENDA-21 AGENDA-2030 land-grab, depopulation goals
Sanctuary Crime
Death of Trees Imminent – Deforestation Via Chemtrailed Aluminization