Derrick Broze reveals How to Outsmart Smart Cities

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Derrick Broze reveals How to Outsmart Smart Cities Pretty soon, there will be rampant “wild fires” all over Maryland, CoinciDUNCEly taking out the very areas slated years ago to become “smart cities” or “15-minute cities”. This will happen nationwide. What can you do to stop Them from burning you out, destroying your everything, and grabbing … Read more

Vegas KISS Museum Heinously Commercialized Demonica

Vegas KISS Museum a most heinous over commercialization of demonica “Museums are eligible thru AAM to receive federal grant money to maintain and operate the museum. 400 to 1 I’d bet Chaim Witz (Gene Simmons) museum endeavor is receiving full federal grant funding.” When America is finally nixed by globalist New World Order or ilk, … Read more

“Smart” meters, for stupid people

Brian thiesen smart meters truth

“Smart” meters, for stupid people Neighborhoods are becoming awash in electro-smog microwave radiation pollution that — according to military studies and awake/aware doctors — zombifies, sickens, sterilizes and eventually depopulates by “slow cooking” the unwary. Sickening, sterilization and depopulation by “slow cooking” the unwary. Got headaches? Ringing ears? Aching joints? Insomnia? Brain-fog and inability to … Read more

Eyeballing Increasing Animal Cruelty and Attempts to Elevate Animals and Equate with Humans

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Eyeballing Increasing Animal Cruelty and Attempts to Elevate Animals and Equate with Humans This is dangerous and precursor to removing scriptural dominance of humans over beasts. Imagine equalizing punishments for OJ’s Nicole Brown Simpson and Dexter the Dog. The anti-meat-eat crowd would increasingly gain legal basis to undermine killing of animals for purpose of meat … Read more

Disease Decline Death of Large Old Trees in Maryland Virginia Washington DC and Your Town Too

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Disease Decline Death of Large Old Trees in Maryland Virginia Washington DC and Your Town Too Decline and Removal of Large, Old Trees in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Overview In recent years, numerous large and historic trees have been reported as declining or have been removed across Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. These removals … Read more

South Carolina under Wildphyre Attack

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South Carolina under Wildphyre Attack Over 200 wildfires burning in March 2025, in a state proclaimed to ‘never get wildfires’ by residents. Reports of odd sunlight; harsh, burning. Increasingly prevalent in places that don’t usually get wildfires, especially down near the beach / Atlantic Ocean. has much more

“News” Preps DC Area, Normalizes Wildphyres in Maryland

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“News” Preps DC Area, Normalizes Wildphyres in Maryland WILDPHYRES site explores how DC area is being prepped by Zionic mass media to accept as normal wildphyres. Time to learn-up before They put their energy beams to ignite and burn… In the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. area, significant wildfires and forest fires are relatively rare … Read more

The Half-Masting Maryland Governor Wes Moore


The Half-Masting Maryland Governor Wes Moore Governor Moore, who was (according to some, placed) in-charge during the (alleged “takedown” of) Baltimore Key Bridge and who has been (despite Oprah’s support or perhaps because of it) described by some essentially as a ‘DEI emplacement‘, is doing his part to diluate and demean the traditional honored meaning … Read more

Roman Catholic Church historically known as Anti Christ Nothing new Jesuits as culpable as ever


Roman Catholic Church historically known as Anti Christ Nothing new Jesuits as culpable as ever Halloween 2023 Maryland removed its statute of limitations for child molestation / sexual abuse. The very next business day, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore Maryland filed for bankruptcy protection, fearing tens of thousands of high-dollar lawsuits. RC Archdio challenged … Read more