Russian Mystic Predicts Death of All Trees 1994 STARGATE movie headline as Predictive Programming for present chemtrail poisonings
… or What’s slowly killing Darnestown’s plants and trees? Arborists blame “blight”, but maybe it’s related to what’s keeping the skies from being deep azure blue.
This article was published many years ago, at a time when I personally noticed maybe 20% affliction of the trees throughout Darnestown. In 2021 all of Darnestown suffers a never-before-seen multitude of fallen trees and many more, perhaps more than half, dying where they (tenuously) stand. Do you see something different?
Have you examined your trees and plants lately? De-barking, drying and dying in place. Brittle and breaking-off, part-way up in light to moderate winds. Weird fungus growing amuk. Holes through and strange “chemical burns” on practically all leaves. Roots dying and drying, toppling over with huge root clumps intact as if they’ve lost their grip on the earth. This broad assault has a silent, spooky source colloquially called “chemtrails” but identified in the military and other literature as “geo-engineering”, “climate engineering” or “weather modification”.
BELOW: Darnestown’s most prominent victim to date: the champion Catalpa tree at Darnestown’s village-center had to be taken down, (apparently) due to internal “drying” that caused a large crack in the base trunk of the massive tree that stood since before the Civil War. What can dry-out a centenarian tree from its inside?

BELOW: Up to 20% of the trees along the C&O Canal are similarly stricken. Forests, woods, and even backyards are now litered with dead fallen trees pre-rotten, strangely bent and deformed young trees, and are generally sickly looking and alarmingly thinning. What could be causing this devastation to living forests?
Why were skies bluer in years past with big puffy white clouds and bright warm yellow sunshine? Now there’s only barely-blue omni-haze, weird “cloudage” (not really clouds in any traditional sense, but just sort of “floating munge and stuff suspended up there”), and global dimming, apparently not due to typical pollution or mysterious “global warming” (or its “climate change” cousin) but instead due to routine aerosol spraying. Military documents, patents and other sources provide sinister confirmation.

BELOW: January 2016: Sunsets all over the world are becoming increasingly similarly weird: Hazy-misty aerosol “clouds” in grid-like or regularly striated patterns with ubiquitous peachy-orangish glow. Stop being fooled: Mother Nature does not do that; the skies most reasonably reveal blatant weather modification and climate-change-in-the-making.