Eyeballing Increasing Animal Cruelty and Attempts to Elevate Animals and Equate with Humans

Eyeballing Increasing Animal Cruelty and Attempts to Elevate Animals and Equate with Humans

This is dangerous and precursor to removing scriptural dominance of humans over beasts.

Imagine equalizing punishments for OJ’s Nicole Brown Simpson and Dexter the Dog. The anti-meat-eat crowd would increasingly gain legal basis to undermine killing of animals for purpose of meat consumption. These seemingly disparate cases share the commonality of using public opinion and (seemingly justified) outrage to influence laws toward a ‘slippery slope’ leading to basis for legal actions against growing, harvesting and ultimately eating meat.

Note that this is another case where public is given no evidence and must again take as truth the word of owned and controlled, known and caught-lying mass media. In other words, like so many other cases, the entire thing could be partly or even wholly fabricated to instigate public attention and ire, raise issues unduly with seemingly dangerous results if not goals. Just a warning thought.

Eyeballing Increasing Animal Cruelty and Attempts to Elevate Animals and Equate with Humans


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