Baltimore New Kind of Wildphyres as predicted
How conveniently just-in-time to burn-out Middle Class land-owners from their farms and lands “coinciduncely” in the way of proposed 15-minute cities and transmission power-line corridors…just like was done in Paradise California, Lahaina Hawaii, and numerous other “wildphyre” targets.
They will use wildphyres to burn down and out Middle Class in DC area. This is just the tip of the tip of the beginning. On-cue, it’s a multi-day media frenzy.
They’re starting with this. Real soon it’s going to be in your backyard, force-evacuating you from your house and then burning it down. Watch and see.
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are being used to ignite and foment the flames.
- DEW Hallmark evidence —
- High-winds
- Sudden onset
- Raging intensity
- Fast moving
- Inexplicable / high-unusual
Raytheon makes DEW.
Raytheon board of directors is Jesuit / Vatican controlled.
Jesuit motto: “Go forth and set the world on fire.””Go+forth+and+set+the+world+on+fire.”+jesuit+motto
It figures the area’s initiation into this type of wildphyre attack is via the Catholic (Vatican / Jesuit) bastion that is Baltimore.
Fire is blamed on logs piled at Camp Small Park.

The fire that the media hyped and used to drive all landowners out of Centralia PA was started near the IOOF cemetery, back in the woods. This has an eerily similar feel. Centralia sat atop the largest known deposit of purest Anthracite coal; the land has since been grabbed by government and big-business coal mining. The complicit media deception was multi-decades long. Congressman Andrew Ostrowski still have a 3-part excellent interview up on youtube, prior to his being poisoned in apparent attempt to silence his voice in the obvious land-grab that is Centralia. I wonder if there may be more to this “phyre”. For example: We should expect to see mysteriously intense though totally “coincidunce” “wildphyres” begin raging on the exact tracts of land where “15 minute cities” and “transmission power-line corridors” and the like have been proposed. This, at least apparently, is what was done in Paradise Cali, Lahaina Hawaii, and numerous other “wildphyre” / land-grab targets. If that’s news to you, you should take a look and see what’s “coinciduncely” coming here soon.

CBS News: 4 wildfires in Baltimore since 2018 of any significance. Expect this number to rise exponentially over the next several years as the microwave blasting Directed Energy Weapon death-ray is used to drive people out of their homes, off their land, so their land can be grabbed for 15-minute cities, transmission power line corridors and the like.
In another curious case of total ‘coincidunce’ —
Balti Fire Co rolls out new $70k off-road apparatus